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Academics At, Hindustani Kendriya Vidyalaya. Education for Life, Excellence in Education and Commitment to a meaningful Education are of prime importance. Quality education is provided to each and every child. HKV believes that love for education should be developed for children in initial years and conditions should be created for them to pursue a positive approach in life. Truth, courage, determination and freedom must be deeply ingrained in their personality so that they become an ideal blend of the traditional and the modern.

A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group co-ordinator initiating work, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework. Development of oral and written expression is emphasized upon. Home assignments are not a carry-over of class work but oriented towards honing individual talents.


Hindustani Kendriya Vidyalaya is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), which is the largest educational board in the country and is duly recognized by the Department of Education, Government of NCT Delhi.


The School has students enrolled from grade Nursery to grade XII. The Vidyalaya provides the studies of Humanities, Science and Commerce. The school has already adopted Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation up to class X in a phased out manner.

Streams Offered


Subject Preferred in Class XI Science (Biology). Compulsary Subjects English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
5th Subject                    IP/CS/Maths
6th Subject            PE/Fine Arts
Subject Preferred in Class XI Science (Maths). Compulsary Subjects English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths
5th Subject                    IP/CS/Biology 6th Subject            PE/Fine Arts



Subject Preferred in Class XI Commerce. Compulsary Subjects English, Economics, Business Studies, & Accountancy
5th Subject  Hindi/Math’s/Entrepreneurship/IP

Optional Subject allowed to be taken

6th Subject  PHE/Fine Arts



Subject Preferred in Class XI Arts. Compulsary Subjects English, History & Geography
4th Subject Pol. Sc/Psychology

Optional Subject allowed to be taken

5th Subject  Hindi/Economics/IP
6th Subject PHE/Fine Arts


Assessment Structure/Scheme

1. Scholastic area :

   a)As per CBSE guidelines a new assessment system will be followed as the CCE term pattern is
       replaced with single annual sexamination.
   b)Apart from the internal assessment made throughout the academic year the following examination
       will be held mentioned below.
       Pre-mid term - in the month of June
       Mid-term - in the month of September
       Post-mid-term - December - January
       Annual examination - March
       Periodic Tests, Mid-term and the Post Mid-term would conduct with portion of syllabus cumulatively        covered and annual examination with 100% syllabus.
       Internal assessment will cover Periodic Test, Note book submission, subject enrichment activities etc
2.    Co-Scholastic activities are important for the holistic development of the students. These activities
       will be graded on a 5 point grading scale.
3.    Discipline significantly impacts career shaping thus attendence, sincerity, behavious of values of the
       student will also be graded on a five point scaele (A-E).

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